Doggy School Bus

Because dog training for real life should be taught in the real world.

Are you looking for

  • Day Training in your home
  • Day School for a busy work schedule
  • Field Trip adventures to enrich your dog's life and learning?
The Doggy School Bus provides each of these services in one unique offering to transform your dog's down-time into do-time!

A Day at School

8-11 am Pick-Up Session Your dog's day starts with a potty break, targeted home manners training session, and reinforcement of manners from your door to the Doggy School Bus. You can participate or receive a concise session summary as your own schedule permits.
Midday Field Trip Your dog and their schoolmates explore a variety of indoor and outdoor pet-friendly spots, refining and generalising their skills around town. Because dog training for real life should be taught in the real world.
2-5 pm Drop-Off Session Your dog solidifies concepts and winds down for the afternoon by repeating their in-home pick-up training session. You can participate or receive a concise session summary as your own schedule permits.

How often do dogs go to school?

This depends on several factors, including your goals, your dog's maturity, how much time you are able to invest into daily practice, your budget, and enrollment in complementary learning opportunities. Two slots are reserved for students who have graduated from their goals to continue booking school days for continuing education and enrichment on a first-come, first-served basis. The Doggy School Bus currently operates on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

What areas do you serve?

The Doggy School Bus currently operates in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.


For the 2023 school year, Doggy School Bus tuition is $150/day for each student.

Enroll to begin today.